Curly beauty
I feel blessed being photographer not just because I get to depict beautiful faces but also because I get to know amazing people who I probably would never meet if I didn't have camera in my hands.

I found Nardose while doing my daily routine in instagram, and this was one out of two times in my life when I just couldn't pass without shooting a message and offering shoot. If you think it's easy to just invite someone for pictures- you probably don't understand that such quick transition from online to creative personal connection can be awkward.. Sometimes people are too busy to have coffee before the shoot. Sometimes you are limited in shooting time but it's your number one goad to have your model trust you.

Nardose was absolutely stunning. Since the first minutes of our conversation I felt like this meeting was meant to be. She shared her beautiful story and I was simply swapped off my feet realizing how beautiful, graceful and deep her soul is.

Believe it or not but most of the time we were talking. I felt like the most important photos of her would be the ones taken at the moment, without posing, the ones which would show not just her outer prettiness but her amazing soul. It was so incredible to find so much in common philosophy-wise and to realize how hard this beautiful lady is working toward her dreams.

I can't wait to see how much she will compliment this world with her beauty and her kindness. She already does.